The Witches by Roald Dahl

The Witches - Roald Dahl, Quentin Blake


 4 helms


Please follow me on my blog :) Review originally posted on Vellum Voyages


Ok this was a quick read to slake some of that longing, I have been experiencing for my childhood books. We moved to Wales for a short stint two months ago, so it seemed fitting I should pick up something from Roald Dahl.I didn't know what to expect, this being my first book by Dahl, but I definitely didn't anticipate the underlying sad & dark undertones in a kids book. It was also a bit scary, but definitely imaginative & very apt if you're looking for a slightly scarier read for the kids.


Witches HATE children & they have their annual meeting to get rid of all the children in the world by a potion devised by the Grand High Witch. They don't count on one little boy's plans to stop them! The writing was a bit misogynistic & slightly sexist but you can also argue feminism too! Given the date of the publishing, I suppose you can't be too surprised & I don't even know if kids will notice it! The ending was open-ended, which I liked as it left me thinking of the characters after their adventure. Will definitely read this to my future kids!